Jenny Lima-Angel
Coldwell Banker Realty


Team up with a trusted and knowledgeable neighborhood partner to make your real estate dreams come true. I know this area - the right pricing, the latest listings, the ins and outs and the buzz around town. From search to sale, I'll provide expert advice and unwavering support to help make your experience stress-free. Let me show you what I've got - strong negotiation skills, friendly service and a track record to back it up.

I have access to comprehensive, up-to-the-minute listing information giving me the edge necessary in today's fast-paced market. Whether it's finding you a home with everything on your checklist or helping you get ready to move, I've got you covered - advertising, financing, inspection and closing assistance, I'll handle it all from start to finish. I can even provide tips and tricks on staging and minor home improvements to help sell your home fast. Give me a call or stop by, I'm right in the neighborhood!

Communities Served

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Jenny Lima-Angel

Coldwell Banker Realty
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